Thursday, September 30, 2010

Miserable Day

Hey guys, it's been pretty miserable up north east. It's been raining since 7am and now I think I'm coming down with something. It's been raining really hardcore but one of my friends got me a gift that made me so happy I forgot how to smile. It's the Perfume Livefolio. This is seriously the best gift I've gotten in a long time, it's a collection of photos of Perfume, mostly from their country wide triangle tour, my personal favorite Perfume Tour. It also has a lot of photoshoot photos, and pictures from backstage and the tour bus.
This is one of the pictures in the livefolio. A~Chan is my favorite member.

病気になってしまった。一日中雨が止まらない。漢字クイズの時に漢字を忘れてしまった。絶望した… Today I went and got sick. It's been raining all day. During my kanji quiz I forgot some kanji. This has left me in despair....

Normally I would write a better entry than this for this blog but I'm drenched and upset. Future post will be better :D


  1. im not particularly fond of japanese culture, i just wanted to comment brotyrannosaurus-rex

  2. I also love perfume! so catchy

  3. Awwww... I'm really glad you like it. It seems that everyone's been having horrible weeks, so maybe super late boxes from Japan were a good thing?
    I hope it didn't die by the time you got it back to safety ^^

  4. i'm particularly fond of japanese culture, but i didnt really want to comment brotriceratops

  5. never rains in korea

  6. hate perfume. no tune.

  7. Keep going man, you'll master Japanese in no time!! We're cheering for you.

  8. Following. Keep up the good work dude.
